Elevate your Board’s impact at every level.

Discover what happens when you have qualified and diverse leaders, working well together, with the right focus on the right issues, supported by sound structures and practices.

A ripple on a pond. Denoting impact. Watson Inc.

This is what Board effectiveness looks like in the real world.

Meetings are more enjoyable and productive. You make smarter decisions, faster. Management looks to your Board as a partner, rather than a roadblock. You spend more time looking forward in areas of strategy, risk, and people, instead of getting lost in unimportant details or dwelling on the past. And ultimately? Your organization is more likely to succeed.

Close up a wood architectural feature. Implying a well designed board of directors. Watson Inc.

Building a Strong Board

Your Board is at its best when every member adds value. From supporting you in identifying your Board’s needs, to recruiting and selecting new Directors, to succession planning for your Board leadership, to ensuring the Board’s composition is right for the next phase of your business, we help you ensure you have the team you need to shape the future.

Finding and Supporting Your CEO

You need the right leader to work in close partnership with your Board and take your organization to the next level. From crafting the right success profile for your next CEO, to helping you find and evaluate highly qualified candidates, to assessing and supporting their performance and leadership, to planning for succession, we help you find and support the most important partner in your Board’s work.

Two men standing a vast desert of sand dunes. Implying the challenge of searching for the right CEO. Watson Inc.
A canyon seen from below. Highlighting a thin clear sky between rock formations. Implying insights. Watson Inc.

Understanding Your Board’s Performance

Improving as a Board starts with understanding where you’re strong – and what would make you even more effective. From conducting Board Evaluations to designing respectful processes for Director Feedback, we give your Board and Board members a more objective and insightful view of their performance, along with practical ways to improve.

Evolving Governance

Good governance evolves with your organization. From comprehensive Governance Reviews to the design and implementation of structures and practices, we equip your Board with the governance frameworks and tools it needs to support the next phase of your organizational journey.

A twisting highway along a green coast. Implying the path to success. Watson Inc.
The spiral stars of a modern library. Implying layers of governance. Watson Inc.

Achieving Alignment & Engagement

A Board is most effective when it engages the right issues at the right level at the right time. From facilitation to education and coaching, we help your Board align at the highest level, and optimize how, where, and when it tackles the most strategic issues facing your organization.

Ready to accelerate your Board’s performance?