Understanding Your Board’s Performance

Does your Board know how it can be even better?

Just like any leader, members of your Board need support to develop and grow. We offer Boards and Directors objective, actionable insight into their performance to help them maximize their value and elevate their contribution.

A canyon seen from below. Highlighting a thin clear sky between rock formations. Implying insights. Watson Inc.

Board Evaluations

Amid the ever-growing scope and complexity of your Board’s work, taking the time to reflect on your Board’s performance can be a powerful tool to elevate its impact. Our approach to facilitating Board Evaluations is future-focused and constructive. Combining insights gleaned from seeing hundreds of other Boards in action with leading practices from around the world, we offer you tailored, actionable guidance on how to increase your Board’s effectiveness and its ability to shape the future.

For when your Board is asking...
  • How can we increase our Board’s impact and value?
  • Is our Board having the right conversations?
  • Can we improve how we all interact and contribute during meetings?

Director Feedback

Given the sensitivity of Board dynamics, it’s easy to avoid talking about the performance of individual Directors. Yet it’s essential to improving both individual contributions and the overall effectiveness of the Board. Grounded in a proprietary competency framework honed through the evaluation of hundreds of Boards over 20 years, our Director Feedback process creates trust, draws out meaningful and unbiased guidance, and leaves both individuals and the collective dynamic stronger.

For when your Board is asking...
  • What’s a better approach to giving Directors honest and respectful feedback?
  • How can I make a greater contribution to my Board?
  • Where do I need to most develop as a Director?

When it comes to your Board, everything is connected.

Take your Board to the next level.