Our Insights

Drawing on our work across hundreds of Boards, we delve beneath the surface of governance, leadership, and culture to offer reflections and research that could be immediately valuable for your Board.


Watson May 30, 2024

Enhancing Board Effectiveness: A Layered Approach to Governance

You may have noticed a few changes to our look and feel over the past few months at Watson – we’

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Watson Jan 20, 2021
In the Boardroom: COVID, Travel and Tone at the Top

Your ears perk up – what did the CEO just say?  Here you are, a director participating in the last Finance

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Watson Dec 03, 2020
Terminating the CEO

Hiring, evaluating, compensating and managing CEO transition is arguably the board’s most important area of responsibility. Ironically, experienced board

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Watson Nov 12, 2020
Board-Executive Assessment of Teaming

The chair of a Crown corporation feels like the CEO controls and limits information going to the board and is

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Watson Oct 22, 2020
ESG for Not-For-Profits

Discussions of purpose, stakeholder capitalism, social license, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) are front and centre on corporate boardroom

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Watson Sep 24, 2020
Four Talent Questions Boards Need to Ask Right Now

These are unusual times for everybody. As the pandemic unfolds and deeply impacts peoples’ lives and the economy, leadership is

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Watson Aug 27, 2020
The Board's Role in Strategy

“The best strategies are born from management’s analysis and creativity, coupled with the board’s incisive questioning and probing.

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Watson Aug 13, 2020
Board Oversight of Culture

Whenever people are together, they create a culture for how they interact, whether deliberately or unconsciously. Culture can be subtle

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Watson Jul 30, 2020
Succession Beyond the CEO

The current state of the world has put CEO succession in sharp focus (more on that here). At the same

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Watson Jul 16, 2020
How Effective is your Board's Approach to Stakeholder Capitalism

World Economic Forum, Davos Manifesto 2020: “The purpose of a company is to engage all its stakeholders in shared and sustained

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