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Achieving Alignment & Engagement, Article

Beyond The Virtual Board Meeting – 10 considerations for Hosting an Engaging Online Event

…of meetings, physical presence, etc.; also consider whether other activities are tied to the event or meeting (e.g., member or shareholder updates, director elections, financial audit, etc.) Consider any policies,… Continue Reading Beyond The Virtual Board Meeting – 10 considerations for Hosting an Engaging Online Event

Achieving Alignment & Engagement, Article

Evolving Board Practices in a Virtual World

…work. With continued health risks and social distancing, many directors, particularly those who fall within high-risk categories, will be reluctant or unable to travel and engage in traditional board meetings…. Continue Reading Evolving Board Practices in a Virtual World

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Finding & Supporting Your CEO, Article

10 Questions Boards Should be asking About CEO Transition

…board. The current situation adds complexity to an already complex decision, one that many board directors find themselves making for the first time. It also creates opportunity – aligning organizational… Continue Reading 10 Questions Boards Should be asking About CEO Transition

Achieving Alignment & Engagement, Article

Reflections From The Pandemic: What it Means for Governance and Leadership

…had their systems and structures pressure checked. Directors, leaders, talent, and culture have been tested in dramatic ways. This is a unique opportunity to learn from this together and think… Continue Reading Reflections From The Pandemic: What it Means for Governance and Leadership

Achieving Alignment & Engagement, Article

How Effective is your Board’s Approach to Stakeholder Capitalism

…broader social purpose and building trust with a multitude of stakeholders in the process. Recent global events have intensified the board’s role in this area and forced directors to consider… Continue Reading How Effective is your Board’s Approach to Stakeholder Capitalism

Finding & Supporting Your CEO, Article

Succession Beyond the CEO

…emerge from crisis mode into recovery and forward planning, boards, through their HRCs, need to have confidence that the organization is managing material risks related to people, and has the… Continue Reading Succession Beyond the CEO

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