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Achieving Alignment & Engagement, Article

How to Rebuild Trust When it has Been Broken (#2)

…lots and hallways, rather than in the boardroom Management or Directors voice and reinforce their concerns within their own groups, without exploring and seeking solutions with the other group, which… Continue Reading How to Rebuild Trust When it has Been Broken (#2)

Achieving Alignment & Engagement, Article

Board Meeting Practices Beyond the Physical Boardroom – In the Time of COVID-19

…Can the Board hold virtual meetings or hybrid meetings? Do the rules allow for consent resolutions or resolutions to be passed electronically? Special and virtual Board meetings and other procedural… Continue Reading Board Meeting Practices Beyond the Physical Boardroom – In the Time of COVID-19

Finding & Supporting Your CEO, Article

Now is the Time: Make Sure your Emergengy Succession Plans are Crisis-Ready

…How will this be communicated to the executive team, staff, and stakeholders? Who will be the interim CEO? An interim CEO often takes on the role for a longer time… Continue Reading Now is the Time: Make Sure your Emergengy Succession Plans are Crisis-Ready

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Achieving Alignment & Engagement, Article

Evolving Board Practices in a Virtual World

…Governance professionals will also need to expand their repertoire and become adept at collaborating with chairs and executives on structuring agendas, choosing virtual platforms, and supporting effective workflows. We have… Continue Reading Evolving Board Practices in a Virtual World

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Achieving Alignment & Engagement, Article

Reflections From The Pandemic: What it Means for Governance and Leadership

…streamline your organizational structures, upgrade your talent, or better empower your existing talent? Are your executive compensation structures still appropriate and do they incentivize the right kinds of behaviour? What… Continue Reading Reflections From The Pandemic: What it Means for Governance and Leadership

Achieving Alignment & Engagement, Article

How Effective is your Board’s Approach to Stakeholder Capitalism

…all types of organizations to provide long-term, sustainable solutions to broad social issues. Recognizing the far-reaching impacts of corporate decision-making, organizations are increasingly being called upon to define their broader… Continue Reading How Effective is your Board’s Approach to Stakeholder Capitalism

Finding & Supporting Your CEO, Article

Succession Beyond the CEO

…CEO? What is the risk of multiple executives, including the CEO’s emergency successors, falling ill? Are there any executives close to retirement that may not be willing to weather the… Continue Reading Succession Beyond the CEO

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