Together We Can Make The Change We Want


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

~ Margaret Mead

As the founder and leader of WATSON, I feel compelled to speak out to express my horror at the circumstances of George Floyd’s death last week, and to stand with those who call to end racism and instil human dignity as part of our world culture. While sensational events bring us to our feet, we must remember that racism is not a series of isolated events; it is systemic and pervasive. And it is as present in Canada as elsewhere, although often more subtle and nestled within an outwardly polite façade.

While we call on government to ensure our legal structures safeguard equality and human rights, it is up to us as individuals to reflect on what we do and say that may contribute to a culture of discrimination and bias. Whether acting on our own or as a collective through an organization, we each have the opportunity every day to make choices to support a foundational belief that everyone is an equal member of our society. It is up to us as individuals to cause the change we want.

Caring and human dignity have always been core to WATSON’s values and we will continue to instil this character within our firm. Personally, I am committing to double down on my personal effort to be more aware and call out actions, words and jokes that extend gender, racial and social class bias. As a firm, we are committing to bring an even stronger diversity and inclusion lens to our work. We will help clients create processes and practices that are inclusive, ensure an even playing field, and support a healthy workplace culture. We will continue to advocate an approach to governance based on inclusive capitalism, incorporating the broader lens of human equality and diversity, and a stronger collective society.

We invite you to join with us in making your own personal commitment to stand up for human dignity in all situations. Together we can make the change we want.


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Together We Can Make The Change We Want

June 3, 2020 by Watson

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

~ Margaret Mead

As the founder and leader of WATSON, I feel compelled to speak out to express my horror at the circumstances of George Floyd’s death last week, and to stand with those who call to end racism and instil human dignity as part of our world culture. While sensational events bring us to our feet, we must remember that racism is not a series of isolated events; it is systemic and pervasive. And it is as present in Canada as elsewhere, although often more subtle and nestled within an outwardly polite façade.

While we call on government to ensure our legal structures safeguard equality and human rights, it is up to us as individuals to reflect on what we do and say that may contribute to a culture of discrimination and bias. Whether acting on our own or as a collective through an organization, we each have the opportunity every day to make choices to support a foundational belief that everyone is an equal member of our society. It is up to us as individuals to cause the change we want.

Caring and human dignity have always been core to WATSON’s values and we will continue to instil this character within our firm. Personally, I am committing to double down on my personal effort to be more aware and call out actions, words and jokes that extend gender, racial and social class bias. As a firm, we are committing to bring an even stronger diversity and inclusion lens to our work. We will help clients create processes and practices that are inclusive, ensure an even playing field, and support a healthy workplace culture. We will continue to advocate an approach to governance based on inclusive capitalism, incorporating the broader lens of human equality and diversity, and a stronger collective society.

We invite you to join with us in making your own personal commitment to stand up for human dignity in all situations. Together we can make the change we want.


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